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Quotation Management in Tally
Quotation Management module with sales follow-up add-on feature is customized in Tally.ERP9 and Tally Prime. The Module includes the following features:
1. Users can create Quotation or Pre forma Invoice with their own set of terms & condition which can be modified for each quotation. User can also, input their own email Body content to Email the Quotation directly from Tally
2. User can set the Quotation status and follow up with customers to close the business.
3. User can also, assign the Quotation for each sales Man to track the sales Team efficiency.
4. When the sales order is placed by the customer, user can record the sales order against the quotation / proforma for which the order has been placed and track the quotation closure.
5. Separate report provided to track the due quotations basis on the customer appointment and update the customer feedback along with next follow up date. Use can also have option to filter the follow up tasks for the current date or period
6. Item wise / Group wise / Category wise/ Quotation status wise pending reports can be generated to forecast the sales.
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